In the 90s I started to collect interesting-ly shaped antique shelves. My collection stopped at two:
Notice the candle scent is called "Antique Wood".
My neighbor had given me this cool box of junk to make a mosiac. I never did.
Love it when you can incorporate stuff you made in shop class into daily life. And it's useful!
But what to do with the deer heads?
And Tom's bulleted practice target?
Now boys, do not aim for the target!
(paper deer has since been replaced with an ugly blue Costco Kleenex box)
I do admit, I miss the bright colors from before. I'm not really a neutral, antique-y person but it works. When you embrace the 80s builder parade home style (ie: fruitwood oak finish EVERYWHERE!), instead of fighting it, things can look good.
Click here and scroll down to see the previous bathroom saga.