Hauled this home from Chicago IKEA almost 10 years ago. The slipcover was very dirty. I didn't want to wash it because I was certain it would shrink. So in October I marked it up with a white crayon, and cut it up to make a pattern for a new slipcover. To make matters more difficult, I cut up a pile of jeans I'd been saving and pieced them together. This project took about 4 Saturdays to do: 1. make the pattern, 2. cutting it out, 3. sewing it together, 4. making the cushion. I can't even be objective. Is it good looking? I'm not even sure. But it's soft to the touch and the extra pockets on the side house the remote.
Finally we all got together and toured Dawn's fantastic loft/condo. Every square inch yields new surprises. The "wall of storage" was a highlight and is my new inspiration for the playroom.
I visited these boots the customary 3 plus times before plunking down 91 dollars cash in from my secret stash in my purse. Having that exact amout left shows that this purchase was meant to be! (the downside is that the stash is depleted). When the salesperson told me that the color was called "elephant gray", I was sold. (if it was called "toxic waste dump gray", I'd still have $91 bucks in my purse.
Got the brown ones online through Dillards.com. Original price over $90 bucks. Then $26 plus shipping. I noticed this week the price is back up to $53??? It's that wierd online pricing thing frugal jo was talking about.
At the ground-breaking ceremony for the Minnesota IKEA store in 2003, I met 3 total strangers who all loved IKEA. We formed a KLUBB. I created this blog to house my IKEA posts and more. Enjoy.