Was excited to receive an invite to the CB2 preview party.
Has crate and barrel influence w/helvetica signs, bright colors
& built-in paper wrapping station in the countertop.
This clock is really BIG @ 39". Could look great over the fireplace.
This slanted desk was made of a chalkboard.
Flor tile station. I love this idea of them but have never understood why they are $15 a pop. 

Liked the hard-wired light fixtures.
I kept hearing glass breaking throughout the evening.
CB2 green is called chartreuse & camo green on their website.
How about some useless hairball coffeetable do dads?
Pretty sure my dogs would eat this log rug for a snack.
What do you think this is?
Fun color everywhere and many interesting metal shelves throughout the store:
Not so hot on the rice crispie bar covered shrimp:
Or the mutton.